Kids Or Adults Sunscreen. Is There Really A Difference?
Yes, our kids' skin is so precious, but don't we deserve the same level of care as Adults? Why would we put something more harsh on an adult's skin then something more gentle on our Children? This just does not make sense to us here at Sol HQ.
Our Top 5 Things To Do In The Coromandel (With Or Without Kids!)
We like to think of ourselves as experts when it comes to do with the best activities on the Coromandel. We live and breathe it every day of the year.
With a long, hot Summer on it's way, here are our top 5 things to do when you come visit this Summer.
Is Your Surf Wax Toxic?
It's not widely known that traditional surf wax is created with petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are not biodegradable and are actually toxic when ingested, particularly for marine life.
Introducing Our New REFILL STATIONS!!
There are a lot of sunscreen tubes out there being passed around, some are moving to plastic that can be recycled, and that's great. If you are unsure if your tube can be recycled, just look for the recycle symbol and number, if it is a number 2 (HDPE) you can put it into the kerbside recycling.
Keep in mind though it's pretty hard to clean inside a tube ready for recycling, which must get you thinking, will this actually be recycled?
And then there are the lids, most lids can not be recycled and off they go into landfill..