Our Thinning Ozone Layer
It is well known that volcanic eruptions can contribute to ozone layer damage.
There has been research released recently on the Tongan volcanic eruption early this year that suggests the water that was shot into the stratosphere from the underwater eruption may have created conditions that contributed to even more damage to our ozone layer.
Plastic FACTS
The beauty industry has a lot to answer for. Less than 9% of plastic in the skincare industry is repurposed or recycled, and we definitely can do better than that. More and more businesses are making the move to sustainable or recyclable packaging, which is amazing, but we can still do better.
Why We Welcome The New NZ Sunscreen Regulations
This is a great step in right direction for sunscreen regulations here in NZ, and is welcomed by us with open arms. We want to reassure our Customers that our products are already fully tested by Eurofuns in Australia to comply to the 10 subject testing requirements and has been from the beginning, so nothing changes for us. For some other sunscreen companies however, it may not be so simple.
Why Chemical Sunscreens are bad for the Planet
Many of us are looking forward to borders opening and travel restrictions lifting. Like people all over the world, New Zealanders are dreaming of spending days on the beach and soaking up some much-needed vitamin D on tropical beaches. Recent studies have found that sunscreen chemicals in many popular products actually hurt corals. The main chemical culprits are oxybenzone and octinoxate, which convert sunburn-causing UV rays into harmless heat on human skin. Coral-killing chemicals like oxybenzone and octinoxate are found in 97% of sunscreens on the market. These compounds can biomagnify, which means that their concentration in the...